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Forgiveness Testimony

Thursday, January 23, 2025

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Hi, I'm Michelle, and I wanted to share my story with you about coming to the Women's Refuge. For about 11 years, I have struggled with unforgiveness, and that unforgiveness was due to some trauma I went through, which left me with deep-seated hurt. I would say I had forgiven, but then I would pick it right back up when triggers came. It was ugly. I had a lot of rage and anger, and I realized that I had bitterness in my heart, which was really tormenting me. So, I finally came to the end of myself and knew that I needed help. When I came here, I was ready to surrender.

I knew that my relationship with the Lord had drifted, especially in the last six months. I knew I needed help with that, that I needed to renew my relationship with Him. I received the newsletters from the Women's Refuge, and one day, while reading it, the Lord prompted me: “Maybe you should go.” So, I made the decision to do that. I arrived here completely open and surrendered to the Lord. I asked Him, because I could only be here for two weeks, “Lord, can you please supernaturally speed up this process in me, this deeper healing of my heart and my forgiveness journey?” And He’s done just that. It’s been amazing.

Through my counseling, reading, and listening to audios, I've really learned so much about God’s forgiveness toward me, my forgiveness, and what it looks like to forgive the people who have hurt me so deeply. The Lord has freed me from that anger and bitterness. He truly did what He said He would do for me, and I’ve come to understand so many spiritual things in a deeper way. The Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to His love for me, how much He loves me, and that I don’t have to look to other people for my love and acceptance. I’m completely loved and accepted by Him, and He will never reject me.

It’s been such a blessing to be here. This place truly is a refuge. It’s full of peace, and it’s such a beautiful place to be. The understanding you receive when you’re here, the counseling, and everything straight from the Word—it’s God’s Word to us. I’ve fallen in love with the Lord all over again and fallen in love with His Word. I can’t wait to continue this journey with Him.

I just want to say, if you are dealing with anything you can't handle anymore, please consider coming to the Women's Refuge. It’s a beautiful place. The Lord will meet you here and do a work in your heart. He’s done that for me, and I know He will do it for you because we’re all His children.

I came to the women’s refuge with hope, and I’m leaving here free.

Live-in Program Participant

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